Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Focusing on me.

So, I have always struggled with my weight. My entire life, I have been the fat girl.

I have tried dieting...well, crash diets... Literally. Like the 18 yellowjackets and two redbulls a day, or trimspa, or cabbage and greenbeans... Never have I gotten to a healthy weight and kept any if it off. I was on 18 yellow jackets a day when they were pulled from the market and I plumped from a size 9 right back to 18!!!

Last May, my mom asked if I wanted to take over my dads contract at their gym. He had only gone twice in the 8 months they had it. I jumped on it! I had just watched a video my husband had taken at my sons birthday. I knew I had to change and fast!

I talked my neighbor girl into going with me at night. We went 5 days a week from 9pm to midnight. I felt soooooo much better! & it was nice to have an out.

On the 4th of July, I was at my brothers for party and fireworks. As we were leaving, I turned to tell my son to watch where he was walking, I took a step, and felt my knee snap backwards underneath me. I fell to the ground like a little old lady. It was like a contortionist act gone wrong. I felt my toes hit my stomach. I tried soooooo hard not to scream, so that I wouldn't scare my son, but my throat betrayed me. I let out a blood curdling scream and could not stop sobbing. My brother and husband carried me to the car and rushed me to the E.R.

Doc said it was a devastating sprain at the least, no break that they could see, but most likely, I had torn ligaments. I was referred to the orthopedic surgeon in my area, fitted with a brace and crutches and sent home with a large dose of pain meds.

When I got to the orthopedic, he did an ultra sound and MRI. I was told there was a small tear on my meniscus and that I was not to bear any weight for 6 weeks to try to avoid surgery. I had also sprained my ankle... I don't remember it ever hurting and the doc at the E.R. didn't notice either, apparently. But it was a second degree sprain.

I was devastated. This was going to end what I had worked so hard for! I had already lost just over 30lbs!!!
I hated the crutches and brace. I hated being out of work.

My family does a fair booth every year at several events, and without being able to stand, I was out! I missed one event and decided I had enough! I took off the brace and hid it and my crutches. No more!

I went back to the gym that night.luckily, my gym had a pool. I spent the next week doing nothing but trying to get my strength back.

I worked the next event, sometimes even forgetting that I was injured.

That is until my knee buckled and said it was done.

The day after the event was my first day back on the treadmill. Walking was excruciating. But I refused to give up.

Within a week, I was running again! Which mind you, is hard enough for a 30yr old fat girl smoker! But, I knew I had to do it!

September came and the bills got to be too much and I had to cut the gym. $100 a month was just too much when I needed to be feeding my son.

October and November flew past without me even breaking a sweat. I was surprised however, that I was still hanging on to my now almost 50 lb loss.

So now i'm trying something new. Hard work, eating right (which is a lot more complicated than u would think!!) I now go to the gym 6-7 days a week. I pass on the empty calories. My biggest motto so far is: I can eat whatever I work off! Which makes treats a lot less appealing when I know half of a candy bar means half an hour on the treadmill...

But I'm truly addicted! I love the gym! It's empowering and invigorating! Who would have ever thought, a fat girls favorite addiction is the gym!?!?!

Now it's December. I started going to Planet Fitness. I go 6-7 days a week for 2-3 hours a day. It's $10 a month. I can make that work. I also work out with my neighbor girl at her house 3-5 days a week for usually 1-2 hours.
I wasn't paying much attention to my calorie count, besides making sure that I worked out at least enough to burn no less than twice my intake.

I started getting really weak. I figured it was the flu, but with no other flu symptoms, and I started passing out, I went through my tracker to see if anything there had changed. It had. I was burning an average of 2000 calories a day and my intake rarely broke 300.

I googled 300 calories a day. I had never before counted calories, so really the concept was sorta new to me.

Google was not impressed.

It guided me to several anorexic websites. Girls asking how long they could actually survive on only 300 calories a day... The answer, 1-2 weeks. Websites of girls, pregnant girls trying to stay skinny though through pregnancy to still see their ribs. Apparently when working out, you're to consume no less than 1200-1600! My bad!

It's not like I was trying to starve myself either. I was eating what I needed to feel full, when I WAS hungry.

I was making choices to eat lower calorie meals than before. But I really have only ever eaten once or twice a day my whole life. So it didn't feel like I wasn't getting enough.

My hardest struggle now it's trying to eat enough times a day to get at least 1200 calories. When u aren't eating Bullshit empty calories, you have to eat alot!!! It takes up most of my day to eat enough.

I'm now down 68 lbs!!

When I started this I was at a sickening 272 lbs! I was popping the buttons on size 20 Jeans! I am now at 204 and at size 13. & am super excited to break the 200 lb barrier!

I honestly had not noticed a ton of difference in my body until I found a pic of me from last year and put it next to one of me a couple days ago.

The change in my face is shocking to me!

Pics attached.

My goal, is to be at 150 lbs by July 4th, 2013.  Which will be a total of 122 lbs and a whopping 44.8% of my body weight loss, in just over a year! Wish me luck!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift (feat. The Civil Wars) (cover) Megan Nicol...

If there was anything I could say to my unborn children,
THIS would be it.

The faces that I did not yet get to see, the fingers and toes I never got to count, the soft tears I never got to wipe away.

 I’m sure this wasn’t the intentions of the song, but it has hit so close to home with me. I love it! 

I know Taylor Swift sang this originally and I love her version, but I wasn’t able to upload that version. But these girls are adorable and did a great job!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

God’s Plan... My take on miscarriage and loss

So, to start, dont misunderstand what I am trying to say. I do believe in God. I do believe he has a plan for us. I have a very strong testimony that God exists. A testimony that He created all of us in His image. A testimony that he loves us. And that we will one day all return to be by His side.

I cannot look at my son and question the existence of a higher power that has allowed me this miracle. He is a miracle. Just as every child is.

 I just dont think that His Plan includes the death of a child. I want to believe that His plan does not plot out our heartache to that extent. The death of a child is not a trial, to be used as a growing exercise. There is nothing that can prepare you for it. There is nothing that it can help change for the future.


Any of us that have experienced the loss of a miscarriage have all been told at one point or another, Its Gods plan. Or Its for the best.

Who the hell has the audacity to say that to a grieving parent?

So what youre telling me is that it was Gods PLAN for my child to die?

If your 5 year old died, it would be horrifying, earth-shattering and devastating. If you are 6 weeks pregnant, it is crushing and excruciating. Though I have no doubt the two are different in many ways, both demolish your soul to the core.

 I have not experienced the loss of an older child. I have no knowledge of the desolation that comes with that pain. And I dont pretend to.

I have, however, had multiple miscarriages. 11 to be exact. 11 known pregnancies, lost. Most were less than 12 weeks. Three were more.

But mothers who experience miscarriage are not given the same grieving rights as those who lose an older child. It seems the newer the news of the pregnancy, the less rights we have. We are all supposed to keep silent.

Because its awkward. And no one knows what to say. Truth is There is nothing to be said that will lessen the pain.

 There are things to be avoided, however. Like, It was Gods plan.  Its for the best. Maybe it just wasnt good timing. At least you werent further along. At least you didnt know your baby yet. You can always have another. At least you already have a child/ or children. Its been XX days or weeks or months or years, Get over it.

To all of these things, I have words that I would never have the strength to say to a loved one who said this to me.  Not now. Not while I am in this much pain. But the pain will be here forever, so never will I tell you how that hurt.

Listening. Listening is all you want from a friend. You need to have your story heard. You need to know that she knows your child too. You need to be able to express anger, sorrow and fears, without guilt. Without the guilt you have already piled on yourself, thinking they feel the same anger towards you that you feel toward yourself. You need to feel valid to feel this way. And saying It was Gods Plan, or any of the other stupidly insensitive comments, only negates that validity. You would think it would be comforting to hear that, besides any reasoning, that there was a purpose.

Its not. It makes you want to punch the other person in the throat.

These things are not being said to be hurtful for the most part. It comes from our loved ones who see the pain we are in, but could never comprehend it. They feel like saying something is better than nothing. Or they think they have the answer. They think they know how they would feel if in the same situation. Regardless of whether they have been through it themselves, they dont.

Just as every genetic makeup is diverse, and every pregnancy is a little different from another, every miscarriage is unique. Some stories resound of similarities of yours. Some, you shake your head and thank God it wasnt you. 

Its also remarkable to see the variances in coping methods and processes.

Some women, chose not to say a word. Chose not to allow themselves to be vulnerable. Whether they are actively deciding to hide their feelings, or it is just their way of getting through. They seem to just move on.

Other women, chose to speak up. Hence, the many books and support groups that we now have to comfort and console us. They chose to not be silent. They chose to be heard. They appear to be the strong ones. The ones who through their sorrow, are able to reach out and uplift another.

There are also some of us that cannot see out of the depression. Those who the devastation takes over. Some of us do not have the support of others. And sometimes even with support, their world has crashed down on top of them.

And still, some of us are all of these women. During different stages of our healing, we go through processes and changes. Changes that shape our lives. Your heart is forever changed.

Whether they only touched our lives for a moment or lifetime, it is still an eternity to a mother. From the moment of conception, that child is a part of your being. You are now a mother. You have a connection that will never be broken.

 You dont love him less than you love your other children. You have hopes and dreams of who she will be. You start calculating costs of diapers and formula. Knowing everything you do will impact your baby. YOUR BABY. Not your zygote or fetus. When we tell someone we are pregnant, we say I am having a baby! Not I am having an Embryo!

For some of us, we have tried for a child, for weeks, months or possibly years.

They are not a thing. They are not like the empty toilet paper roll or even a favorite pair of shoes. They are not replaceable! Trying for another is usually the LAST thing we want to think of. You dont want to forget your child or REPLACE them. You are still just as blessed to have your other children as you were before your baby was here. 

And for the lucky of us, we might still have another. However, your older or next child does not change the life that was lost.

6 weeks gestation or 6 weeks old, you knew this being. Your baby is now a part of your life forever. You knew your baby. You knew when she wasnt happy with your choice in dinner. You knew when he got excited to hear daddys voice. She is more than just part of you. Your entire being is devoted to making sure he is safe.

There is no expiration date on grief. There is not that one magical day when someone says, its been so long, your done grieving now. No fairy to wave a wand. No day when you are better.

Being pregnant at the same time of a friend or family member is usually a fun experience. We get to talk about all of our aches and pains and gripes, with someone who is there, right now! They get it. They have the same fears and exciting moments.

Suffering a miscarriage while your friends and family are pregnant changes that.

Its a bit of limbo. They dont know what to say to not upset you. They seem to acknowledge their own fears of being in your boat, without knowing. They want to have the same relationship as when you were pregnant together. Sometimes these are the ones that can say most of the painful comments, whether intentional or not. They want you to be excited for them and their child. 

But now, if they complain about heartburn, you sob. If you see an ultrasound, your world tailspins.

Still, you ARE so excited for them. You still love them and their child just as much as you did before. And you would never wish they were the ones going through the miscarriage. But you wish you were still pregnant.

Its not fair!

No I mean it! Its truly not fair! You didnt do anything to be the one hurting.

The most devastating acts for me came from a pregnant family member. About three weeks after my miscarriage was my brothers birthday. It was also the day of my next scheduled prenatal visit. I was still hemorrhaging.  Not just bleeding, like an ultra-super pad and super plus tampon an hour.

I was spending the day with my mom, sister (5 months pregnant) and sister in law (7 months pregnant). My mom was feeling my SIL baby kick, and my Sis joined. My SIL asked if I would like to feel her move also.

I softly declined.

Today was not the day. I had just gotten an automated call from my OBs office reminding me of my visit. I had to call the office back and remind them of my miscarriage. You wouldnt think that would suck so bad, but it turned me upside down.

I quickly found a reason to dismiss myself from the rest of the days activities.

I called SIL a few hours later to explain myself. I felt that I had been insensitive to her feelings and I didnt want her to think that I wasnt excited for the new baby. I was! I just could not do it that day, is all. I explained to her why that day, I could not do the baby thing. It was the day not her. She seemed to understand and said she wasnt offended; she just hadnt wanted to exclude me. 

I really appreciated her trying to be sensitive to me.

That night we went to her house for my brothers birthday. It was a packed house. I believe it was close to 30 people. 

Her friend and newborn were also there to celebrate. Her friend had sat quietly holding her baby while everyone ate, and when SIL was done, she asked her to hold the baby so she could get something to eat. SIL turned to me and said Give him to Cryssi, she needs to hold a baby!  I thought she was kidding. I hoped she was kidding. 

There was no way she could be so vicious. No way, after what I had just explained to her that afternoon.

She wasnt.

She turned and walked away, leaving me face to face with a famished new mother who looked like she hadnt had a moment to herself, much less to eat with both hands, in the last week since he was born. 

She asked if I minded.

I did.

I reached out my arms and accepted her swaddled infant, who reeked of breast milk and baby wash. I sat there, blank expression as he nuzzled himself into me and fell right to sleep.

I saw my mother and sister look at me like you look at an old woman who has just fallen and broken every bone in her fragile frame. They seemed to not know if this was a self-inflicted pain I was choosing to endure, or if it was a rescue needed situation.

 My husband wrapped his arm around me and did his best to be comforting. I sat there for over an hour, reprimanding myself for each time I started to tear up. Spurring myself to look at him. I couldnt.

Finally, his mother decided she felt it was time to nurse. I handed him to her, gathered my coat, my husband and son and left without saying a word.

Okay, so lets go over this thought process. Because I am not grasping it.

If I am not able to suck it up enough to feel my brothers unborn daughter kick, unable to look a pregnant woman in the face. What would make you think that I would want to tend your friends newborn, whom I have no connection to and no desire to be around, much less touching.

This to me is one of the more hurtful offenses. Taking it into your own hands to decide when a woman should be over it.

There is a day when you realize you havent thought about her for a week. You havent said her name for two. And you feel guilty. You feel like you are going to forget him forever and no one else will remember him. But the truth is, you will never forget. There will come a time when its not all consuming. Its not every single thought you have. You have to forgive yourself for this. Its only a coping mechanism that your mind does to preserve whatever sanity you might have left.

There is no reason. No explanation. A few of us get to find out when there was a defect. A clinical reason our child is no longer living. That is not an explanation. Why you? Why me?

It wasnt anything you did. There is nothing you are responsible for. 

It would not be different if you wouldnt have picked up that box that was too heavy this morning. It would not be different if you didnt fall off the monkey bars at 7. It probably wouldnt be different if your genetics were different.

I have lots more to add, but its 4:30 in the morning. I promised myself I wouldnt sleep until I posted this. So, more to come.

Some pics of us.

Just me

Our wedding day

Awe Kisses

Super excited 
for his 
new guitar.

Waiting for Uncle
Hes coming home from war.


A little about me and my blog

   Oh where to begin... probably with a little bit of background on me. I am 30 years old, I have one 8 year old son, and 11 miscarried angels. My husband and I have been married for just over 5 years now.

A little further back-
     I was born on February 23rd,1981. I am the oldest of 4 children. I have two brothers and one sister. We grew up in Brigham and Logan, Utah. I think I had a pretty typical Mormon childhood. Playing with friends, being defiant, babysitting, going to church and primary or young womens. I played the flute for 5 years in middle school and high school. I wouldn’t say I excelled at it, but they didn’t kick me out… so I suppose I did ok.
     I tended to find the friends that no one else would be friends with. I suppose I can thank my upbringing for that. I was always taught to be kind and loving to everyone. And I always seemed to want to care for the ones that had a harder life than me.
     I decided I wanted to write recently. So I am starting with a blog. In my life, I have had quite a few trials. Particularly when it comes to miscarriage and loss. I hope that I can be helpful and inspirational to others.
So, My current debate is how much to share. Some of what I have to say, I think could be hurtful. Which is one thing that I would like to avoid. But I also want to be real, and not hide what I have been through. Because I have felt alone in a lot of things in my life, I don’t want anyone else to feel that way. I want to be honest and open, and I will be at least honest.
I hope if you are reading this, you can feel that you are not alone if you have gone through some of the same experiences. And I would love feedback. Let me know what you think and if this is at all helpful to you.

 Thanks Everyone.

P.s. I have written part of my blog that I want to post, but… part does describe, in quite a bit of detail, my rape. I hope that you are not offended by it, and I will let everyone know in the subject line when that will be included.